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ECOsurfaces receives ADEX Recognition

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ECOsurfaces announced this week that it has been selected as a recipient of the 2009 ADEX award. The ADEX Award is presented to honor the quality and design of furnishing and building materials and is one of the largest and most prestigious awards given for product design of fixtures, finishes, and furniture in the design trade. The ADEX award is sponsored by Design Journal and presented at platinum, gold, and silver levels based upon a judged scoring system. The ECOshapes collection from ECOsurfaces was selected as a silver level ADEX award winner for 2009.

"We are proud to be recognized as a leader in innovation, design, and quality. The ADEX award represents our continued commitment to uphold and advance these principles in our product development, bringing versatility and cutting-edge advances to the rapidly advancing commercial market."
- Andrew N. Dodge, Managing Director, ECOsurfaces Commercial Flooring

Voting for the 2009 ADEX awards was conducted by highly qualified professionals in fields corresponding to predetermined evaluation categories. These judges were pulled from various areas of expertise within the design industry and are respected experts in their fields. Judging was conducted by awarding points to products within several different categories and totaling the points to determine whether a product was qualified to achieve a platinum, gold, or silver rating. The ECOshapes collection from ECOsurfaces met established standards to receive silver level ADEX recognition.

The ADEX award began in 1994 with the involvement of approximately 100 companies and has grown to include the participation of more than 500 companies, establishing itself as a credible means of distinguishing superior product design and quality. Design professionals, architects, and interior designers look to ADEX recognized brands as those who have exhibited superior quality and unparalleled product design- industry leaders and tenacious innovators. The ADEX award is sponsored by the international trade publication, Design Journal.

A full list of all the ADEX Award winners can be found here.

About Design Journal
Design Journal was established in 1994 and has grown to become a leading resource for architects, interior designers, and facility managers throughout the United States. As sponsor of the ADEX awards, Design Journal has established a well-known and trusted place within the design industry and has played an influential role in the decisions of buyers for over ten years. With up-to-date information on the latest product innovations and well-tested knowledge of design appeal and the means to achieve it, the voice of Design Journal has become a familiar and welcome resource for design professionals.