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Important ColorMill EPDM Announcement

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ECORE International is excited to announce that in early 2012 it will be launching a new line of patterns for many of our brands incorporating eight new EPDM colors. While this line is not ready to be debuted, as part of the evolution of the ECORE ColorMill EPDM palette and to make way for the new colors, a few less popular colors are being eliminated effective immediately. These drops will not affect the production of current stocked color patterns for ECOsurfaces.

The four colors are:

  • Dark Purple 1508
  • Dark Coral 1906
  • Teal 2040

There is a limited amount of remnant stock of these three colors that may be used in custom patterns at full cylinder yields. To ensure continued availability for as many customers as possible, we are limiting the amount of material that may be used in a single manufacturing run. Specifically: The four colors may be used as long as they do not individually or collectively exceed a 30% total color concentration for any custom pattern. For example, 10% 2040, 10% 1904 and 10% 1906 is acceptable, however 20% 2040 and 20% 1904 is not.